After a fracture, a surgery or a period of long immobilization the joints are stiff and the muscles tight, this makes it difficult to use them normally and causes pain. Physiotherapy gets the joints moving again: we can help you, call us.
Fractures are treated by immobilizing the broken bone in a plaster for several weeks, sometimes surgically inserting screws to stabilize the area.
A plaster consequences
When the leg or arm comes out of the plaster the joints are stiff and the muscles tight and this makes it difficult to use the affected limb and cause pain.
Physio to move again !
Physiotherapy is very effective at addressing these issues helping to get the stiff joints moving again; muscles are manually released and stretched and exercises can be taught to restore strength. Also, manual soft tissue techniques are used to resolve swelling and break down scar tissue. No matter how complex your problem is, we can help you call us.
Accident and post-operation Treatments Practical information
In case you have a physiotherapy prescription from your doctor and a Swiss insurance, the agreed rates between the Swiss Physiotherapy Association and the Swiss Insurances apply. Those rates are the same for all the clinics and in the Canton Vaud are:
General treatment cost
: 48 CHF
Complex treatment cost
: 77 CHF
One off charge for the first treatment
: 24 CHF
Charge for home treatment
: 34 CHF
Without prescription or with an International insurance, the subsidized conditions do not apply and the rates are a) general treatment cost: 65 CHF, b) complex treatment cost: 95 CHF, c) One off charge for first treatment: 30 CHF, d) Charge for home treatment: 34 CHF, e) Charge for Saturday treatment booked the same day: 20 CHF
Against a medical prescription the treatments performed by our therapist are reimbursed by your basic insurance (LAMAL) or accident insurance (LAA). In case of international insurance, you are also entitled to a reimbursement, for the specific conditions applied please refer to them.
Physiocare will address the invoice directly to your insurance. Without prescription or with an international insurance we will invoice you.
Treatment duration
The treatment can be general or complex depending on your prescription if available and your needs. This time includes what required by the patient to undress and dress. A physiotherapy prescription is valid for a maximum of nine treatments that need to start within 5 weeks from the prescription date. If needed, the prescription can be renewed by your doctor. After 36 sessions for the same problem, you will need approval from the insurance to continue.
Missed sessions
Treatments missed or not canceled 24 hours in advance are charged. Monday appointments need to be canceled latest by Friday at 12:00
First treatment
Please bring with you your insurance card and all documents that might be useful to evaluate your needs. (Radiography, etc.). In case of accident, we would need the accident date, the accident number and the accident insurance firm.